The men in Kitty’s life are complex as she is, and sexual tensions run high. TJ, a gay werewolf and a close ally in her pack, is another reflection of the dichotomy in Kitty’s own soul and a running theme through the series.

Her name is a running joke: whoever heard of a werewolf named Kitty? Her relationship with her mother feels familiar long-suffering and endearing. She has a sweet small town feel to her at sharp odds with a life under the werewolf curse. Kitty Norville could be your little sister, or even the girl you grew up with next door. After the attack, Kitty is reborn as the lowest member in her pack, with dark desires and sexually submissive to her masochistic pack leader Carl. Her young heroine, Kitty, is blond, wide-eyed and sexually naive hapless prey for a pack of werewolves.

Carrie Vaughn’s Kitty Norville series opens with a jolt.