This essay highlights these concepts of inequality and how they have hampered women rise to higher positions in the community. In the book ‘Monique and the mango rains’, Kris highlights on the different areas where women have been discriminated against in the Mali community, bringing about gender inequality. These are some of the truths that have shaped unspeakable gender inequality. This is male dominance and sexism, which fiercely promotes gender inequality in the society. Traditionally and historically, some chores are considered ‘masculine’ and no woman is allowed into these fields no matter their qualifications. They are not to be listened to since their views are underrated. Monique is allowed to take a vacation to visit her aunt and uncle while she is gone, Holloway and Henri run the clinic.Women, however, are not allowed by law of the land to own any property and in case they do, then it is assumed to belong to the immediate male over them. She also tells Holloway that she will slowly introduce information about the dangers of genital mutilation to the villagers.

Monique is thrilled with the updates to the building, including the additional beds, the new birthing chair, and the new roof. The birthing house project is finally completed and is a resounding success. Holloway encourages Monique to take some time away from the village to clear her mind and refresh her soul. All of Francois’s actions are derived from his bitterness and jealousy of Monique. He wants to sell the motorcycle for a moped because Monique is too short to operate the moped. Her marriage to Francois continues to burden her, as he flaunts how he takes her hard-earned money to buy things for himself.

Monique confides in Holloway about how much she misses Pascal.

The remaining the villagers, particularly the women, work to sow the fields with beans and peanuts. Despite a brief rain, several villagers show up to continue their work on the birthing house.