
The Somnibus by Craig McGray
The Somnibus by Craig McGray

The Somnibus by Craig McGray

I fell to my knees while the dying screams of my mother’s torture dug through my mind. Orange light splashed over trees lining the rural road. I ran for them again, trying to save them, but the heat writhed across my skin, pushing me back. Thrown clear of the wreckage, my father lay on the ground, peering at his exposed torso, bowels oozing to the glowing pavement. My mother’s tortured screams pierced the night air. The blast knocked me backward, but I scrambled quickly to my feet while fire engulfed the darkness and smoke filled the back of my throat. A small fire on the underside of the vehicle ignited and matured into an inferno. Jumping from my Jeep, I dashed for the car. Time came to a crawl and as the spiraling finally came to a stop, I pulled to the shoulder. It swung off the side of the road and rolled several times. I’d only just sent the text message to Mom when my parents’ car swerved in front of me. Sometimes it speeds by, while other times it seems to slow down like when you’re forced to watch your parents die. The passing of time can be a strange thing. Visit the link for more books by Craig McGray HERE Without your fresh eyes, I would have never been able to complete this book. To my wife Andrea, Patrick Johns, Peggy Bernardo, and the others that read my second draft, I thank you for your time and input. Rose, and Griffin Hayes, as well as a host of other authors willing to help a new writer with advice, criticism, and support while I went through this journey. While I’m sure to miss a few names, I would like to thank Dylan J. I thank them because I know that I sometimes spread myself thin yet they continue to be there for me. They provide a solid base for me to build my life upon, and show an undying support for everything I do. My wife and two beautiful daughters are my foundation.

The Somnibus by Craig McGray

McGray's characters are strong and help progress the story.” –Horror_Nerd Amazon ReviewįIRST AND FOREMOST I would like to thank my family. It is well written and twists keep you off guard making it hard to see what's coming next. McGray has crafted a chilling paranormal thriller that draws you in and never lets go.

The Somnibus by Craig McGray

Craig does a great job of keeping the story flowing nicely with a finale that will leave you at once well satisfied and begging for more.” -Griffin Hayes Author of Malice and Dark Passage “.there are moments in here that will creep you out of your skin. McGray has crafted a chilling paranormal thriller that will keep you awake at night, because it is sometimes terrifying but also because you won't want to put it down.” -*Michael K. Any resemblance to actual events or locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

The Somnibus by Craig McGray