
The ocean at the end of the lane genre
The ocean at the end of the lane genre

the ocean at the end of the lane genre

This novel, his first adult novel to be released in years, is no exception. I always enjoy Gaiman’s work - his writing style, regardless of intended audience, is captivating. He recalls his lonely, but imaginative childhood when he was seven years old and encountered a young girl which led him on a surreal adventure do a duck pond…or the ocean at the end of the Lane. He stops by the pond at the end of the Lane to sit and reminisce of the magnanimous experience he had there long ago. The nameless main character is a middle aged man revisiting his old neighborhood after a death in the family. The Ocean at the End of the Lane was read to me by my boyfriend (I know it sounds silly, but having someone read to you is actually rather calming). Neil Gaiman is one of those authors whose books should be read aloud so you can taste his prose. That’s how we’re meant to hear stories - it’s etched into our linguistic history since we first tried to explain the phenomena around us with elaborate stories of gods, goddesses, and magic. There are some books that should just be read aloud.

The ocean at the end of the lane genre