Jen’s exploration of God’s attributes and her reminder of all the ways I’m not God and don’t have to be God ministered to me as a wife, as a mother, and as a Christian. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author Founder, Revive Our Hearts and True Woman This wonderful book is big on truth and big on God, which means it is very good for my soul. As we do, our hearts will be filled with wonder and awe that such a God should stoop to save and love us. Jen calls us to lift our eyes upward, to earnestly contemplate his attributes, and to humbly acknowledge our own limits. Greear, Pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina author, Just Ask In an upside-down world that has humanized God and deified man, Jen Wilkin brings us the best news imaginable: our God is infinitely greater, more powerful, more majestic, and more wonderful than we can possibly fathom. This book is rock solid, and it portends an encouraging future for evangelicalism. Her teaching is provocative without approaching compromise, revolutionary without seeking novelty.

She represents a rising generation of evangelical women discontent with the status quo, yet fiercely committed to the Scriptures.

She offers the hope of a future where "things we have exalted will be cast down to the level of their real worth" - and an exhortation to cast them down now, giving "undivided allegiance to the God of our costly deliverance." She calls us to worship with single-minded allegiance, being conformed in thought, word, and deed into the image of our God, not the image of the enemy. Jen considers each word carefully, bringing out new depths from old commands, calling us to changed hearts, not just moralistic deism. She brings the text alive with context and home with thoughtful questions.

She opens up the ten commandments, making them accessible in a whole new way, and calling each reader (listener) closer in to the heart of God. Her delight in God is evident in her work and this work is no exception. She has a gift for communication in both written and spoken word. Jen Wilkin is one of my favorite teachers.